James Dyson Award 2020 for aspiring inventors and engineering students, now open for entries
If you’re an engineering or design undergraduate in Malaysia and have an idea or invention that can solve a problem that mankind is facing or who can help in creating a sustainable future, you’re in luck as the James Dyson Award 2020 is now open for entries.

[Source Dyson]
Since its inception in 2005, the James Dyson Award constantly seeks to challenge the inventiveness and entrepreneurial spirit of undergraduates and recent graduates in the realms of engineering and design to create an invention that solves a problem with the winner receiving a £30,000 (about RM150,000) prize and £5,000 for the winner’s university as assistance to commercialise their inventions.
This time around though, there will be not one but two winners with the second winner focused on entries that help in creating a sustainable future with a similar prize of £30,000 (RM150,000) for the winner. The JDA 2020 video can be viewed here.
Sir James Dyson said,”Each year we have been struck by the ingenuity and conscience of young people to solve really big problems. So many of the James Dyson Award entries have a focus on improving the world through engineering and technology. Recognising the role that engineers and scientists play in creating a sustainable future, we have decided to introduce a second international prize focused on ideas which do more with les and tackle environmental or social issues.”
Malaysia won renown last in the James Dyson Award when Sarah Moi from Universiti Sains Malaysia invented the Eat.Easy to help physically challenged users be able to eat with just one arm using a simple, ingenious invention that neatly attaches onto a plate. In 2018, a team of Mechanical Engineering students from Universiti Teknologi Nasional (UNITEN) created a smart sensitive solar floating platform that tracked the sun’s position dubbed SENSLAR.
Applications are open till 16 July 2020 and will be judged by a panel of judges at the national level before progressing to the international stage where a panel of Dyson engineers will shortlist 20 entries from across the globe. The top 20 entries will then be reviewed by Sir James Dyson himself who will select an International winner, the runners up and the new Sustainability winner. Again, just to be clear, contestants need to be undergraduates or recent graduates of an engineering or design course in Malaysia or in other selected countries as listed in the competition guidelines.
Ready to change the world? Swing on by and apply at https://www.jamesdysonaward.org/en-MY/