Win prizes by watching OPPO’s R9S launch tomorrow
Oppo has been coy about their latest superstar spokesperson for their flagship R9S but have finally revealed his identity: it’s none other than Korean superstar Lee Min-ho. He has been spotted filming commercials alongside their Malaysian brand ambassador Min Chen in Korea recently though the phone itself will officially be launching tomorrow.
To celebrate the launch and share in the festivities, Oppo is sharing the fun by organising a ‘Watch the launch Live & Win a Prize’ movement. There’s a few hoops to jump through – you’ll have to like their Facebook page here. After that you’ll have to share it on Public settings and tag two friends as well with a comment on it and the hashtags #OPPOMalaysia #OPPOR9s #NowItsClear. Once that’s sorted out, you’re in the running to win an attractive mystery prize from Oppo. The contest starts tomorrow on 5 January and closes on the dot on 6 January 11.59PM at midnight Malaysia time.
More details on their official website for the competition here at oppomalaysia.com.my/R9s_LIVE.