HUAWEI XMAGE Awards 2023 world final winners revealed and their photos are amazing!
Huawei still makes some of the best smartphone cameras in the business and the results from their latest XMAGE Awards 2023 that culls the best shots taken with their smartphones from across the globe are indelible proof that they’re still among the best in the game.
A total of 57 winners were announced In the global XMAGE Awards 2023 which consisted of 3 Grand Prize winners, 17 Best-in-Category winners, 34 Runners-up winners and 3 Honourable Mentions that were judged from over 600,000 entries from nearly 100 countries between 7th April to 15th August 2023.
Held annually since its inception in 2017, the HUAWEI XMAGE Awards champion mobile photography and encourage users to express their creativity through what Huawei refers to as the compelling ‘power of image’
Who were the HUAWEI XMAGE Awards 2023 winners
Out of the huge number of submissions, the majority of submitted entries used the latest HUAWEI P60 Pro, the HUAWEI P40 Pro and the HUAWEI Mate40 Pro smartphones, all of which host their potent XMAGE camera arrays. While entries came from across the globe, the most entries came from China followed by Malaysia which led overseas countries in submissions followed by Turkiye, Poland, the Phillipines and the UAE.

[Image courtesy of Huawei XMAGE Awards 2023 site] Faizul Hisham bin Haji Mohd Dahalan’s Best-in-Category award entry
Winners of the prior national leg of the XMAGE Awards 2023 in Malaysia had their entries submitted in the competition with one Faizul Hisham bin Haji Mohd Dahalan’s entry winning the laudable Best-in-Category award for the portrait category which is quite a feather in his cap not just for him but for Malaysia as well, more so for the fact that he used a venerable HUAWEI Mate20 Pro which is an impressive feat indeed.
Out of the huge number of submissions, “Dragon Clouds” by Domcar Calinawan Lagto from the Philippines, “Airshow” by Piotr Cebula from Poland, and “Fearless Eagle” by Dou Chuanli from China unanimously lauded as the three Grand Prize winners, each of which won RM10,000 (before taxes) from the XMAGE creation fund.

[Image courtesy of Huawei XMAGE Awards 2023 site] “Dragon Clouds” by Domcar Calinawan Lagto from the Philippines
For Domcar’s entry, “Dragon Clouds” which employed the Huawei P30 Pro, Chen Xiaobo, 9th Vice President of China Photographers Association said “Only when a photographer pushes against conventional boundaries can we see scenes that are about to disappear, uncommon, or hard to see.”
For the “Airshow” by Piotr which used a P40 Pro, HUAWEI XMAGE Awards 2023 judge Jessica Hromas commented, ”The image poses more questions than it answers, so it excites the viewer’s imagination. Is the plane going to land safely, or crash? Where is it going? Who is the silhouetted man in the foreground? There is a sense of a story unfolding and of movement in this photo which invites the viewer to fill in the gaps.”
The whimsical yet immensely skilled entry “Fearless Eagle” by Dou Chuanli from China that used a Mate 40 RS had judge Pei Tongtong, a renowned fashion photographer saying, ”In addition to what is outside, it is even more important to find the inside of the subjects, their characters, or their emotions at that moment. We have seen many eagles in paintings, photography and videos, but I will definitely always remember this one — it captures the true soul of the eagle. Under its plump, thick feathers are its sharp, intimidating eyes.”
In addition to the Grand Prize winners, the 17 Best-in-Category winners each got 1,500 USD while the 34 Runners-up winners each got 1,000USD for their gorgeous works.
If you’re keen to find experience what Huawei’s smartphones have to offer, you’re in luck as from now until 31st December 2023, customers in Malaysia can enjoy the upgunned HUAWEI P60 Pro with 8GB RAM and 512GB storage which is double its stock configuration at the same RM4,199 price tag which represents exceptional value.
This limited-time promotion is available across all HUAWEI Experience stores, the HUAWEI official online website as well as their online stores on Shopee and Lazada too.
For more details and to check the other winning entries, check out HUAWEI’s official page at https://consumer.huawei.com/en/campaign/xmage/