Maxis rolls out Huawei Watch 2 and P10 Zerolution bundle from RM78 per month
If you’re thinking of getting a phone and a smartwatch at the same time, well, Maxis has just the right Zerolution bundle for you. Their latest Zerolution bundle combines the Huawei P10 with the Huawei Watch 2 for RM78 per month on their MaxisONE188 plan. If you’re feeling somewhat more prosperous, you can opt for the Huawei Watch 2 and Mate 9 phone and watch combo for RM133 a month alwso on their MaxisONE 188 plan. You can also opt for the MaxisONE 158 plan which throws in the P10/Watch 2 combo for RM93 a month or the Mate 9/Watch 2 combo for RM148 a month. Each of the new bundles throws in a free two-month MaxisONE Share line in the bargain.
The Huawei Watch 2 was unveiled earlier this year at Mobile World Congress and has a built-in SIM card for calls and messages, 4GB of onboard storage, IP68 water resistance and seven hours of battery life on a single charge.
For more details swing by their website online at www.maxis.com.my/P10Bundle or the nearest Maxis outlet.