Moreh bersama Lazada livestream this 23rd April can win you an amazing RM12,000 Lazada Wallet credit
Lazada is getting into the spirit of things with the coming festive season as they are inviting a host of worthies in their ‘Moreh bersama Lazada’ where Malaysians can tune in, enjoy a host of crazy good deals and thousands of dollars in free giveaways.
The ‘Moreh bersama Lazada’ live stream will take place on 23rd April for an hour from 10PM to 11PM and will be hosted by actor-host DJ Sharifah Shahirah, Haziq Hussni, Hael Husaini, Zizi Kirana along with a host of other Malaysian celebrities.
During the live stream, Lazada will be issuing thousands of RM23 discount vouchers with no minimum spend as well as flash deals as low as RM0.55.
Moreh Bersama Lazada seribu sebulan contest
The live stream also heralds the ‘Moreh bersama Lazada’ competition that takes place from 23rd April to 30th April 2021 where 8 users stand the chance to win a year’s worth of what Lazada calls ‘seribu sebulan’ Lazada Wallet credit.
During each day of the contest, the top spender on Lazada will be announced and will receive RM1,000 of Lazada Wallet credit a month for a whole year which effectively equals RM12,000 per winner.
You can check out the upcoming festivities on their live stream and the kick off of the event in the link here in their Lazada app or you can check out the link here http://lzd.co/MorehBersamaLazada23Apr