OtterBox’s drop-proof Achiever case for the Oneplus 5 coming this August
Unless you happen to be incredibly lucky or careful, odds are you’re going to drop your phone at one point or another which usually results in a heart-stopping episode at best with minimal damage or a cringe-worthy moment paired with a hefty repair job afterwards. If you’ve already chunked out for a OnePlus 5 and are bemoaning the lack of casings for it, well, you’re in luck. OtterBox has come up with the Achiever series case for the OnePlus 5 that has been rated to be proof against bumps and drops, allowing the phone to survive a waist-height drop to the deck. It’s not waterproof though unlike some of their other casings so don’t go taking it for a dip in the pool, mind. The Achiever casings come in two colours – black and a maroon hued paint job dubbed Nightfire with both coming with a geometric finish on the backplate evoked from the ancient Chinese tangram.
The OtterBox Achiever for the OnePlus 5 is slated to arrive sometime in August at a price of RM169 from local distributor KWS Distribution along with all the usual online e-tailers and will also be sold on their official website at www.kws.my.