Your winning doodle in the Samsung Love is All Around competition can get two Galaxy Note10 Lites!
If you fancy yourself an artist and a poet, you’re in luck as Samsung has a rather novel ‘Love is All Around’ contest that banks on your creative mastery of the arts to win two spanking new Samsung Galaxy Note10 Lites, on in Aura Red and the other one in Aura Glow for you and your significant other.
If you’re stoked, all you need to do to get started is to follow @SamsungMalaysia on Instagram and set your profile to public.
Afterwards, doodle your romantic affections in the best manner possible with the AR Doodle mode which is available on selected Samsung Galaxy series phones and then post it on your Instagram feed. You can post up to three submissions on Instagram.
With each submission, please tag @SamsungMalaysia and then add the hashtags #ARDoodlePlus #ValentineswithGalaxy #GalaxyNote10Lite. Time to crack out that old copy of Shakespeare you’ve got lying around as the contest ends on 6 March 2020. Good luck and may the best doodler win!
To read check out the official page Love is All Around competition page with all the fine print, saunter on over here: https://www.samsung.com/my/offer/mobile/express-your-love-with-ar-doodle/