Source: Blizzard

Time to rumble in Hearthstone’s: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion

The release of Hearthstone’s latest expansion pack means you can kiss the weekend goodbye. The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan has you taking part as a new kid in town in the goblin city of Gadgetzan that is run by three major crime families, each of which rely on three character classes to enforce their authority. The Grimy Goons, led by a two-headed ogre called Don Han’cho comprise of Hunters, Paladins and Warriors. The Jade Lotus, lead by a Pandaren called Aya Blackpaw has their ranks made up of Druids, Rogues and Shamans. The Kabal, led by Kazakus the alchemist consists of Mages, Priests and Warlocks.

Source: Blizzard

Source: Blizzard

In addition to the extensive backstory framing the game, the expansion pack has a massive new line-up of 132 cards split across all the classes along with a unique new Tr-Class card game mechanic – these unique cards can only be used by classes unique unto the aforementioned three crime families and confer unique gameplay twists. To see a complete list of the cards, swing by here. To find out more about the game, have a look here.