Axiata and Atilza are teaming up to develop IoT opportunities in Southeast Asia
In a memorable ceremony, representatives from Axiata Group Berhad and Atilze Digital Sdn Bhd signed a Collaboration Agreement for a year where both will implement Proof of Concept pilot projects for Connected Cars and the LoRA IoT network in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. The partnership is meant to explore viable IoT applications and discover business opportunities in the Internet of Things.
For the uninitiated, the Axiata Group is one of Asia’s leading telecommunications outfits with a presence in ten countries, servicing over 300 million subscribers and who has a controlling stake in Malaysia’s famous Celcom telco brand along with a host of others throughout the region. Atilze, pronounced as ‘A-till-Z’ as in the letters of the alphabet are a service solution provider and supplier for IoT and hardware devices based on LoRa tech. LoRA – an acronym for Long range, Low Power Wide Area Network is a networking technology for Internet of Things applications.
The potential for IoT is truly immense.”It is undeniable that the IoT revolution is picking up speed and when it does, it will change the way we live, work, travel, learn, entertain, build and impact all facets of life itself. Convenience, efficiency and safety factors are now the top priority for everyone. From connected cars to smart buildings, agriculture, manufacturing, transportationa nd everyday objects, every aspet of our lives will be affected by the increasing ability of consumers, businesses and governments to connect and manage everything remotely via the Internet,” said Mr Gerard Lim, Chief Executive Office of Atilze Digital Sdn Bhd during the press conference after the ceremony.
The initial services and applications developed from the collaboration will initially focus on Connected Cars, Asset Tracking, Smart Parking, Smart Metering and Security services. Independent studies have shown that the Asia Pacific region has already had over USD15 billion in spending for IoT in 2016 and spending will increase at a CAGR of 35% across the next five years. For more on Axiata swing by here. For more on Atilze swing by here.