Facebook launches Messenger Lite app for Android
The next piece of Facebook’s puzzle in regards to catering for users with low quota data plans and lower powered, older Android phones has just been revealed in the form of the Facebook Messenger Lite app. The app is a slimmed down version of Messenger for Android for those with slower internet speeds and, how shall we say, more vintage devices and uses less RAM and resources while including most of the functionality that its more resource heavy sibling offers.
Messenger Lite’s install size is under 10MB and covers most of the usual functionality associated with the full sized app including messaging, sending and receiving snaps, links and stickers. Out of the box, the lowest minimum version of Android it supports is Gingerbread OS. The first rollout of the app will be to Malaysia, Honduras, Kenya, Tunisia, Sri Lanka and Venezuela. The app will roll out to other countries in the coming months.