Far Cry 5 is now free to play this weekend
It’s time to return to Hope County to raise some heck as Ubisoft is making Far Cry 5 free to play all the way until the weekend.
The base game which means the full single player campaign and all its lush splendour including its bizarre arcade mode are available for you to experience until sometime until 5AM on 1st June in Malaysia.
This gives you about 72 or so hours of absolute mayhem in Hope County taking on the partially bonkers cult leader John Seed and his army of hygiene challenged, gun-toting lunatics. While it’s a stretch to finish it on the highest difficulty level, it’s very viable on normal and easy, assuming you down a couple of Red Bulls and forget about sleep for a night or two.

Don’t worry, he’s just taking a nap.
As it stands, I prefer the base game over its successor New Dawn on account of its saner looking, more scenic locales. Far Cry New Dawn is set in the same location after a nuclear apocalypse but has a truly off kilter neon pink landscape overrun with bougainvillea that looks garish after staring at it even after a couple of hours. And the Mad Max vibes from the salvaged weapons do no favours from the factory-fresh guns you get in Far Cry 5 as well.
You can refresh your memory on how both games play in our Far Cry 5 review and Far Cry 5 New Dawn review.

Best. Character. In. Far. Cry. 5. Who’s a good boy?
If you aren’t able to finish the game, fret not as progress will carry over if you buy the full game which is currently on special at the moment at a generous 75% off. You can also pick up the deluxe version, season pass and individual DLC for 50% off. For more details visit their official page here.