Vainglory MOBA opens up pre-registration for 5 vs 5 mode
If you’re one of a growing number of gamers who game competitively on your smartphone, you’ll likely have heard of developer Super Evil Megacorp’s magnum opus that they’ve dubbed Vainglory. Part of the perennially popular ‘multiplayer online battle arena’ (MOBA) genre of gaming which pits teams of players against each other to take out the other fellow’s headquarters, magic tower or whatnot, Vainglory offers a unique twist to the affair with console-grade graphics, controls optimised for phones and deeply nuanced tactics.
Currently, Vainglory is currently a 3 vs 3 game though they’ve now upped the ante to 5 vs 5 and have opened it up for interested gamers to preregister their interest. Adding two more players to each side significantly increases the tactical depth of the game and certainly makes for a better spectacle for viewers when the fireballs start flying. Those who do so can unlock a ‘Founding 5v5’ player badge along with other goodies and also get in on the closed beta before anyone else. Vainglory is free to download for iOS and Android. To find out more about the game, preregister and get a gander at what mobile MOBA games are all about, you can take a gander at their site at https://5v5.vainglorygame.com/