Boost e-Duit Raya cover

Boost lets you send e-Duit Raya to up to 10 people at a time for the coming festive season

We’re in the middle of another MCO but you can still celebrate after a fashion as e-wallet Boost has enabled the ability to send and receive e-duit Raya from their app for a month from 10th May with your choice of six colourful ‘sampul Raya’ designs.

Boost e-Duit Raya

Boost e-Duit Raya mechanics

Users can send a fixed amount of e-Duit Raya to anyone from one to 10 recipients and features a randomiser mode that splits up the amount you wish to dispense out and distributes it randomly to the selected recipients. You can also keep or donate received e-Duit Raya to the underprivileged to a selected list of NGOs in Malaysia.

There’s some caveats of course. While the Boost basic wallet can receive e-Duit Raya, you need to have, or if not, sign up for a Boost Premium Wallet to dispense it.

Malaysians have admirably embraced e wallets as part of our daily lives now. Despite the continued restrictions on travel and Raya  festivities, we hope that our e-Duit Raya feature and Raya campaign offers will reignite  the Raya spark. As we continue to stride forward with tenacity, Boost is committed to continue introducing meaningful and innovative features and solutions. This is to help  drive a vibrant and collaborative digital ecosystem that is beneficial to all Malaysians in  adjusting to the now normal, while continuing to stay safe,” said Mohd Khairil Abdullah, CEO of Boost. For more details on Boost, check out their page at