Kaspersky reaffirms commitment to security with free ransomware decryptors
Getting hit by ransomware and having your companies critical data held to ransom is a nightmare that no one ever wants to encounter in the course of their career but it happens all too often. Kaspersky’s commitment security has seen them releasing a whole host of ransomware decryptors on their online site that tackle some of the nastiest ransomware making their rounds on the internet.
The Kaspersky ransomware decryptor site is fortunately extremely easy to use. All you have to do to find the proper decryptor is to type in the file extension, email or any other bit of information that appears on the ransomware lockdown screen. All the major nasties including Rannoh, Autolt, Fury, Shade version 1 and 2, Lamer, Lortok, Democry, Pletor, Rotor and the like are all addressed to some degree on the Kaspersky ransomware site. Kaspersky also offers a free Kaspersky Anti-Ransomware Tool for Business that provides more comprehensive protection from ransomware.
If you’ve been hit by ransomware, Kaspersky’s site is an excellent port of call. Visit noransom.kaspersky.com for more details.