Your Chinese New Year angpow is going digital but there are risks

Your Chinese New Year angpow is going digital but there are risks 1

There’s something to be said for the virtues of cold hard cash. It’s fast. Instant and you can generally tote it around wherever you go rather than relying on something that needs battery power to make it useful but like everything else in life, the age-old tradition of giving red packets aka AngPows during Chinese…

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Malaysia is 40th place worldwide for online web surfing dangers says Kaspersky

kaspersky network security

At a recent press event, Kaspersky shared some interesting facts regarding where Malaysia was placed in terms of online threats. In 2016, Kaspersky Lab detected 33,353 distinct Internet-borne malware incidents in Malaysia which puts Malaysia in 40th place worldwide when it comes to the risk of incurring an online malware infection. This usually revolves clicking…

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