SmartHEAL, Performer and Ivvy are global winners for prestigious 2022 James Dyson Award
The global winners for the 2022 James Dyson Award have been announced and unfortunately, Malaysia’s top entry, the MA-Pencil wasn’t able to make it to the global finals but nonetheless gave a good account of themselves in the fight. For 2022, Sir James Dyson has selected two global winners – SmartHEAL and Performer who each win a whopping GBP30,000 while the product known as the Ivvy won the runner-up award wins GBP5,000 in prize money.

Sir James Dyson meeting the winners virtually for the 2022 James Dyson Award
2022 James Dyson Award International Winner – SmartHEAL
Table of Contents
“Every year, the James Dyson Award offers proof that young people are passionate about improving the planet and solving environmental and medical problems. There are people who grandstand over the issues they care about, but these young inventors are doing something more productive. They are diligently applying themselves to problem-solving using engineering, science and ingenious design, ” said Sir James Dyson.
Invented by Tomasz Raczynski, Dominik Baraniecki and Piotr Walter, the SmartHEAL is a next-generation look at wound care for the future. The SmartHEAL is a dressing that integrates an RFID communication system and an affordable, scalable pH sensor that can monitor the pH of a wound, assess the condition and detect infection without having to remove the dressing and disrupt the healing process which makes it a smart bandage of sorts.
“We’ve all nervously peeled back a dressing or plaster to see what is happening underneath. SmartHEAL, a smart dressing, has won the International James Dyson Award because it provides doctors and patients with a key piece of data – the pH level – that can tell them how a wound is healing. This can improve treatment and prevent infection, saving lives. I hope the Award will give the team impetus to proceed down the tricky path towards commercialisation,” said Sir James Dyson.
According to the team, their roadmap has them finishing certification in 3 years time so they can start selling it in 2025. “We are super excited to be the International Winners of the James Dyson Award this year! This is and will be a great opportunity for us to become a part of something bigger, something that hopefully can change the world. We strive to refine our prototype, obtain a patent and pass the necessary clinical trials to commercialise SmartHEAL. We were honoured to be greeted by Sir James Dyson himself. His
words: “Congratulations! You are the International winners of the James Dyson Award “still ring in our ears – we’re still in disbelief, joy and happiness!” said the team.
2022 James Dyson Award – Sustainability Winner
Next up, the Polyformer that was invented by Swaleh Owais and Reiten Cheng is a low-cost machine that can turn plastic bottles into 3D printer filament by cutting it into long strips that are thermoformed into 1.75mm filament and then wrapped around a spool ready for use. “By turning used plastic bottles into 3D printer filament, Polyformer helps reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and provides a cheap and plentiful material for engineers and designers, especially in developing countries. Their idea will provide new opportunities for other inventors to prototype their ideas using 3D printing,” said Sir James Dyson.
“It is a great honour to be the James Dyson Award 2022 Sustainability winner. We are using the prize money to deploy several Polyformers and Polyformer-Lites at our partner makerspaces in Rwanda. With these machines, local students, designers, and makers in Rwanda will have access to low-cost 3D printer filament. This means they can use their community’s 3D printers more frequently!” said the duo.
2022 James Dyson Award – International Runner Up
The international runner-up product design, dubbed the Ivvy by Charlotte Blancke is a wearable infusion pump that aims to replace the traditional intravenous drip pole to make it easier to use and don.
“Being treated with an old-fashioned IV drip on a tall stand can make home seem like a hospital. Ivvy is a simple concept that could improve people’s treatment and enhance their quality of life. It shows the brilliance of simple design and I wish Charlotte every success in developing her idea towards commercialisation.” said Sir James Dyson. For more on the James Dyson Award 2022 and the other winner entries, check out their official page at https://www.jamesdysonaward.org/