HP Generation Coding #GenC project to reach 400 Malaysian students by 2020
The ability to code will become as important as literacy and numeracy for the generations of the future and HP Inc. Malaysia is helping Malaysian students prepare with their newly launched Generation Coding aka the #GenC project that empowers them with coding skills for a brighter tomorrow.
In partnership with Microsoft and the University Kuala Lumpur British Malaysian Institute (Uni KL), HP’s #GenC project which will take place over the course of a year is slated to reach 400 primary and secondary school students.
This is in line with the Malaysian government’s agenda of expanding access to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning. The #GenC workshops will expose students to the basics of computing science and coding with each of the labs, dubbed the HP Technology Labs at Uni KL hosting 17 HP desktops where they will learn coding languages such as Scratch and Python as well as essential Microsoft Office skills.
The classes will be taught by lecturers from the Technology department at Uni KL and students can further hone their skills via online modules provided by Uni KL. To wit, the #GenC project by HP is part of their goal to enable better learning outcomes for 100 million people across the globe by 2025.
“At HP Inc. in Malaysia, we hope to continue providing ways for our youths to gain access to digital skills while supporting the future of the nation. We look forward to collaborating with more partners and government bodies to create valuable learning opportunities for our leaders of tomorrow,” said Fayza Mohamed Amin, Malaysia Managing Director, HP Inc. For more details on the #GenC project swing by https://www8.hp.com/my/home.html