New Asus ambassador Gal Gadot teases new ZenBook
Celebrity endorsements are a tried and true marketing strategy that banks on the pulling power of major stars to push a product or brand into the limelight. Every tech brand has done it in some form or fashion be it K-pop celebrities or movie stars though Asus has dialled things up to eleven as they’ve just released a teaser video on Facebook and Instagram that features the eponymous Wonder Woman herself, the one and only Gal Gadot.
The teaser video itself reveals precious little as it spans little more than 11 seconds. Whether the length itself is symbolic or indicative of the upcoming notebook that they plan to launch open to speculation. The video starts off with Gadot’s well manicured hand reaching out for the top lid of an Asus notebook of unknown provenance which she closes before giving her trademark smirk and then walking off camera. Afterwards, the footage shows the message ‘Unleash your Creative Power’ and then the words Computex Taipei and the date – 5 June 2018.
A few things can be inferred from the video. Historically, Asus usually debuts their latest notebooks at Computex that will see service later on in the year so odds are good that Gal Gadot will be launching something there though whether she will be attending in person or just lending her star power to the event remotely is up in the air.

Source: Gal Gadot’s Official Facebook page
What is certain is that Gal Gadot will be the brand ambassador for Asus in some significant capacity. At the very least, it will cover at least one specific model of notebook or at best an entire range. Second, whatever ZenBook that they will be launching will have an emphasis on creativity seeing the tagline which will, by logical extrapolation, possibly include some form of stylus interface and significant pixel crunching power under the hood.
Bar what was revealed in the video, we’ll just have to wait for Computex 2018 to see what they have waiting in the wings. You can view the teaser videos in the links here:
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/asusmalaysia/videos/10156224382044116/?t=3
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bgk6K2kB4J8/?taken-by=asusmobilemalaysia