Panasonic nanoe X purifiers will be deployed in GrabCar Premium rides in 4 countries including Malaysia
Living in the new normal has seen a renewed emphasis on air quality and Panasonic has teamed up with Grab to ensure travelling experiences will be both cleaner and safer as they’re deploying their unique nanoe X purifiers in 5,500 Grab Premium cars across 4 countries starting from this month.
What is a Panasonic nanoe X purifier?
For the uninitiated, the Panasonic nanoe X technology is able to catch and deactivate 99% of airborne bacteria, virii and mould via the use of electrically charged water molecules filled with OH radicals that suppress the activity of pollen, bacteria and other microorganisms while also helping to tackle unwanted odours.
The technology itself is deployed by Panasonic in a variety of platforms but for the Grab collaboration, it will be deployed in a compact unit powered by a USB port that can comfortably fit inside a coffee cup holder. GrabCar Premium rides packing the new nanoe X will be denoted when you book them and the cars themselves will have distinctive livery on their exterior.
In terms of deployment, Grab will be deploying their initial allotment of nanoe X generators in 5,500 GrabCar premium spread across Malaysia, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi as well as Jakarta from mid-January onwards to mid-March 2021. For more details,check out their official page on the nanoe X at www.panasonic.com.my