DoctorOnCall virtual services now available for AirAsia Tune Protect travel protection policyholders
Getting access to a doctor is a right royal chore if you’re overseas in a foreign land and you don’t speak the language or are unfamiliar with local procedures. Fortunately, DoctorOnCall, a virtual medical consultation service with real doctors manning the lines, has teamed up with Tune Protect Berhad to offer their services in a complimentary fashion for AirAsia Tune Protect policyholders.
In effect, Tune Protect policyholders are able to take advantage of the DoctorOnCall service when they are travelling domestically or overseas via Air Asia, and seek consultation with a qualified medical practitioner via web chat, video or phone call to get a diagnosis and treatment for most basic ails – allergies, food poisoning and the like. Another helpful advantage to DoctorOnCall is the ability to acquire medication for chronic or long-term conditions where the patient has misplaced or forgotten their medication while on a trip which makes it a literal life saver.
Once a diagnosis is complete, the doctor on call can recommend the right treatment and issue a prescription that can be used to acquire medication in the country the policyholder is holidaying at. For domestic destinations, policyholders can get their medication delivered to them.
“Travelling has become a part of our lives today. As a lifestyle enable, we at Tune Protect want our customers to embark on worry free travel experiences. Through this partnership with DoctorOnCall, travellers will be able to connect with doctors and receive medical attention irrespective of whether they are in Bali, Bangkok or Ho Chi Minh,”said Loh Ben Jern, CHief Digital and Marketing Office of Tune Protect at the official launch of the programme. For more details visit www.doctoroncall.com.my and www.tuneprotect.com