Epic Games’ Shadow Complex sneaks onto the free list for the holiday season
While good things rarely come free, Epic Games has decided to buck the rule this time and has released, at least for the duration of the holiday season, their side scrolling action game Shadow Complex for the low low price of nought for the PC.
For the uninitiated, Shadow Complex is a post-modern side scrolling platformer made based on the Unreal engine. The game is a side scroller with you traversing across a 2.5D landscape replete with hapless grunts, boss battles and, of course, collectibles and a plethora of paths off the beaten track.
This should prove ideal to keep you distracted until Santa comes around. Give it a whirl here
If you’re still unconvinced you can catch a bit of the gameplay here. You’d best hurry though, the free offer lasts only for the holiday season.