Transference in VR and non-VR flavours available for Xbox, PS4 and PC
If you haven’t gotten the heck scared out of you this Halloween, well, pull your socks up as Ubisoft and SpectreVision aim to both creep and terrify you with their new game Transference that is available in both VR enabled and non-VR enabled versions.
The game is played from a first person perspective across versions as you romp around virtually in the mind of a slightly unhinged scientist who was working on virtual reality and mind transference technologies, hence the name of the game. Needless to say, Murphy’s Law prevails and things go pear shaped as the virtual simulation turns into a dystopian, corrupted nightmare rather than an utopia and you have to come in to find out what went wrong by swapping perspectives between said scientist, his missus and his sprog.
The game is available for the PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift and, just in time, the HTC Vive which has recently been officially launched in Malaysia. It’s also available on Steam and the Windows PC platform, the Xbox One family and the Playstation 4. For more details swing by www.transferencegame.com
In the meantime, you can catch the launch trailer here: