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Xiaomi's new ultra-cheap Redmi 3 packs a humongous battery and all-metal chassis 1

Xiaomi’s new ultra-cheap Redmi 3 packs a humongous battery and all-metal chassis

By Hitech Century | January 11, 2016 | Comments Off on Xiaomi’s new ultra-cheap Redmi 3 packs a humongous battery and all-metal chassis

Xiaomi’s latest Redmi 3 phone looks surprisingly fetching with a rounded, all-metal chassis and a backplate embellished with a diamond embossed lattice design that’s 8.5mm thin and 144g when placed…

Razer's new Blade Stealth gaming ultrabook has more than meets the eye 2

Razer’s new Blade Stealth gaming ultrabook has more than meets the eye

By Hitech Century | January 10, 2016 | Comments Off on Razer’s new Blade Stealth gaming ultrabook has more than meets the eye

  Razer’s latest addition to their Blade series of gaming laptops, dubbed the Razer Blade Stealth employs an interesting design concept that lets you tailor it for a paper-crunching slogfest…

Huawei announces next flagship Mate 8 phone at CES 2016 3

Huawei announces next flagship Mate 8 phone at CES 2016

By Hitech Century | January 8, 2016 | Comments Off on Huawei announces next flagship Mate 8 phone at CES 2016

At CES 2016, Huawei showcased their next flagship phone that they’ve dubbed the Mate 8 in a press conference. The phone is a 6-inch phablet hewn from metal with 2.5D…

THE HTC UA Healthbox has everything you need to track your health

HTC and Under Armour unveil UA Healthbox fitness tracking system at CES 2016

By Hitech Century | January 7, 2016 | Comments Off on HTC and Under Armour unveil UA Healthbox fitness tracking system at CES 2016

If you have a resolution to get fitter but need a more, how shall we say, a more comprehensive means of keeping track of whether you’re winning or losing the…

Honestbee has opened up shop in Taiwan

You Can Now Get an honestbee shopper to Shop For You In Taiwan

By Hitech Century | January 6, 2016 | Comments Off on You Can Now Get an honestbee shopper to Shop For You In Taiwan

 Online concierge shopping isn’t exactly a new thing ; large retail chain stores have had them in some degree over the years though they all source their produce from that…

Lenovo unveils world's slimmest laptop - the Yoga 900S 4

Lenovo unveils world’s slimmest laptop – the Yoga 900S

By Hitech Century | January 6, 2016 | Comments Off on Lenovo unveils world’s slimmest laptop – the Yoga 900S

Lenovo’s line-up at CES 2016 on the showroom floor was impressive to say to the least with offerings across almost every category that they have a presence in from smartphones…

Oppo announces camera-centric F1 midrange phone for 2016 line-up 5

Oppo announces camera-centric F1 midrange phone for 2016 line-up

By Hitech Century | January 5, 2016 | Comments Off on Oppo announces camera-centric F1 midrange phone for 2016 line-up

Details are sparse for now but Oppo is opening up a camera centric category of smartphones for 2016 that they’ve dubbed the F-series that will stand beside their existing line-up…

FFXIII's Lightning now modelling for Louis Vuitton 6

FFXIII’s Lightning now modelling for Louis Vuitton

By Hitech Century | December 29, 2015 | Comments Off on FFXIII’s Lightning now modelling for Louis Vuitton

Mention FFXIII’s titular female protagonist Lightning and the first thing you’d probably get in your mind is that she’s one sharp dresser – literally if her sword and her immaculately…

Hide your wallets - the Steam Winter Sale cometh! 7

Hide your wallets – the Steam Winter Sale cometh!

By Hitech Century | December 24, 2015 | Comments Off on Hide your wallets – the Steam Winter Sale cometh!

Steam isn’t letting up after the terrifying battering our wallets took from their Black Friday sale a while back as the winter sales have hit their online store with a…

Maxis Monster Video Pass lets you stream more cat videos 8

Maxis Monster Video Pass lets you stream more cat videos

By Hitech Century | December 21, 2015 | Comments Off on Maxis Monster Video Pass lets you stream more cat videos

Christmas is just around the corner and with that comes the usual thumb twiddling as you’re sitting out the interminable traffic on the way home or more likely a delayed…


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